Design - Software

JOINT FRP v.2.0.0 is a software for the design of the strengthening system of beam-column joints of existing reinforced concrete (R.C.) buildings by using fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP). The adopted design approaches comply with the Italian building code (D.M. 17 January 2018 and Circolare n.7 21 January 2019) and with the recent fib bulletin 90 (2019) for the strengthening of existing structures by means of FRP.


  • Download the folder JointFRP_V2.0.0 (downloading the software the user accept the terms of the EULA Licence).

Minimum system requirements:
– Microsoft Windows 7 ormore recent versions
– .NET Framework 4.5 or more recent versions

– Launch the executable file JointFRP.exe available in the folder v2.0.0

– In case the software does not open or an error message occurs, the .NET framework could be not installed in the operation system
– It is possible to install the .NET frameworks launching the executable file dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe available in the folder ext

For queries or comments to the authors:
Ciro Del Vecchio
Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, Benevento
Piazza Roma 21, 82100 Benevento
Phone +39 0824305575

Disclaimer: This software is for the free use and any sell or use for commercial purposes is prohibited. The authors, the university institutions and the ReLUIS consortium involved in the development of this software do not respond ofany consequence of an improper use of this tool. It is developed with the scope to provide a scientific support and the usersshould verify the accuracy and reliability of the results along with the applicability to the object of the study.


  • Analytical model and design approach for FRP strengthening of non-conforming RC corner beam–column joints. Del Vecchio C., Di Ludovico M., Prota A., Manfredi G. Engineering Structures, 2015.
  • Fib Bulletin 90, Externally applied FRP reinforcement for concrete structures. Ceb-Fip. 2019.
  • Linee guida per riparazione e rafforzamento di elementi strutturali, tamponature e partizioni. Dipartimento di protezione civile – Reluis.
  • Circolare n. 7 del 21 Gennaio 2019, Istruzioni per l’applicazione dell’aggiornamento delle norme tecniche per le costruzioni. Ministero delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti. 2019.
  • D.M. 17 Gennaio 2018, Aggiornamento delle norme tecniche per le costruzioni. Ministero delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti. 2018.
  • La riduzione diffusa della vulnerabilità sismica degli edifici in cemento armato: Interventi leggeri e a basso impatto basati sui materiali compositi. Del Vecchio C., Di Ludovico M., Balsamo A., Manfredi G., Prota A., Dolce M. Structural 235 – maggio/giugno 2021 – paper 14 – ISSN 2282-3794 | © DELETTERA WP, DOI 10.12917/STRU235.14 –