CSLLPP – Testing of guidelines for risk classification and management, safety assessment and monitoring of existing bridges

The D.L. 109/2018 (so called Genoa Decree, converted into law nr. 130, November 16th, 2018) issued after the tragic collapse of Ponte Morandi on August 14th, 2018 requires the adoption of specific guidelines to ensure the homogeneity of classification and risk management, safety assessment and monitoring of existing bridges, viaducts, overpasses, etc., providing for the involvement of the national civil protection system resources, after consulting the Board of Governors of the Public Works and the Department of Civil Protection.

The Board of Governors of the Public Works (LLPP) approved the “Guidelines for Classification and Risk Management, Safety Assessment and Monitoring of Existing Bridges”, in its Opinion nr. 88/2019 during its April 17th, 2020 meeting.

With the Ministry of Infrastructures decree nr. 578, December 17th, 2020 is disposed the adoption of Guidelines in experimental way, for a period no longer than 24 months, on streets and Highways infrastructures managed by ANAS s.p.a. or other highway concessionaires. The consortium RELUIS, as center of competence for the Department of Civil Protection, has been appointed for coordinating and supervising the Guidelines application by the involved managing bodies, under the guidance of the Board of Governors of the Public Works (LLPP). Therefore, the Guidelines are an official reference law in perfect harmony, as regards safety assessment, with the Technical Standards for Construction (D.M. January 17th, 2018)

Reluis is organizing a large team of university skills in the field of structural bridge security, distributed throughout the national territory, in order to follow, address and homogenize the Guidelines experimentation developed by Highways Company and ANAS on the road trunks chosen in consultation with the Superior Council of Public Works (LLPP). The activity will be carried out in full synergy with the Superior Council of Public Works (LLPP) and  in constant touch with the President Massimo Sessa: we are ready to organize the largest experiment ever conceived for the safety of Italian bridges and viaducts.” (Edoardo Cosenza, ReLUIS President).