MISE – SPOT and H&RA Lacinia Projects

Operational agreements between the Directorate-General for Environmental Safety, Mining and Energy Resources – Ufficio Nazionale Minerario per gli Idrocarburi e le Georisorse (DGS-UNMIG) and RELUIS to carry out research activities and institutional support for the study of innovative approaches in relation to the issue of safety, including environmental, relating to the research and cultivation of hydrocarbons at sea.

In progress

Continuation of the H&RA LACINIA project

Duration of the activities 2022-2024

The purpose of the project is the carrying out of research and institutional support activities for the study of innovative approaches in relation to the issue of safety, including environmental, relating to the exploration and production of hydrocarbons at sea. Furthermore, it aims to verify and validate the best methodological practices for the study of triggered seismicity and tsunami obtained at the conclusion of the previous project.
The specific role of ReLUIS consists in structural assessments starting only from the wave height at the foot of the building, provided by the partners, to obtain damage estimates for structures and infrastructures, and therefore economic losses associated with flood scenarios.


SPOT project 2

Duration of activities 2020-2022

The H&RA Lacinia project, a continuation of the SPOT project, aims to achieve damage scenarios in a detailed area, reduced comparing to the previous study. In addition, tsunami vulnerability analysis will be extended to other structural types such as infrastructure, strategic buildings and industrial buildings.


SPOT project

Duration of activities 12 months 2017-2018

The objective of RELUIS within the SPOT project (Seismicity Potentially triggering Offshore and Tsunami) was the assessment of damage scenarios related to tsunami events through a large-scale approach. In particular, the vulnerability of residential buildings in masonry and reinforced concrete subject to tsunami actions was analyzed. The first part of the project involved an in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art on the main international standards and guidelines for the modeling of tsunami actions on structures. The main empirical fragility curves obtained from post-event survey data were analyzed to deepen the structural response. The next phase involved finding data on coastal residential buildings in the areas covered by the project for the definition of typological classes of buildings. For each class, fragility curves have been obtained, for different damage states, based on structural analyses carried out on millions of mechanical models made in line with the typological characteristics of the classes of analyzed buildings. Finally, damage scenarios have been made in terms of the number of residential buildings involved, the costs of reconstruction and the population involved depending on data collected and the results obtained in the previous phases.