Technical agreement for the implementation of the agreement pursuant to the planning and management of the emergency, as well as to define the criteria for the identification of the strategic headquarters of the state police and for the definition of the priorities of anyinterventions to reduce the seismic risk.
The purpose of the Agreement is to:
- obtain statistical information on the potential national response of State Police buildings which could be strategic for the management of civil protection emergencies, considering in the first place the events that give rise to “emergencies of national importance”, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 1/2018, article 7, paragraph c), but taking care to consider also the events described in paragraphs a) and b) of the aforementioned article;
- define the criteria that encourage a homogeneous assessment of the seismic performance of the State Police headquarters thatwill be identified as strategic for the purposes of Civil Protection;
- define the criteria by which the priority of any seismic risk reduction interventions can be assessed, in order to ensure the full functionality of buildings strategic for civil protection tasks;
- provide a study to assess the impact of different decision-making scenarios in terms of location strategy, priorities, timing and intervention costs;
- provide a technical support tool for DCSTLGP activities related to seismic risk prevention.