Agreement between the Campania Agency for Mobility, Infrastructure and Networks (ACaMIR) and the ReLUIS Consortium
In progress

The Agreement has as its object the implementation of activities aimed at supporting the process of defining, assessing and monitoring the structural safety of the bridges in the Campania region with the aim of providing operational indications for the preliminary analyzes and the analyzes of detailed safety of the works, and in particular:

  • definition of the operating procedures necessary for the application of the methodologies envisaged in the Guidelines for risk classification and management, safety assessment and monitoring of existing bridges pursuant to Ministerial Decree 204/22, which extends Ministerial Decree 578/20 to Local societies;
  • support and collaboration to the personnel that the managing bodies or the Region identify for the management of the infrastructures with which the ReLUIS consultants will be able to interface for training and for carrying out field activities;
  • support for the analysis and study of instrumental monitoring systems;
  • technical analysis of the regional regulatory framework aimed at the possible elaboration of revision proposals;
  • technical-administrative support in the definition and updating of documentation and manuals for use by the Provinces, also through the preparation of standard documentation.